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Knowledge Dimension



Long-term success comes from having superior knowledge and a culture based on principles of human progress.

No matter how well we are doing today we can always do better. Thus, we constantly seek to identify and close gaps between how we are performing today and what is possible when we fully apply Principle Based Management™.

In our application of the Republic of Science principle, we all are focused on innovating where we have the ability and passion to make the greatest contribution by sharing knowledge and challenging one another. We strive to learn at an ever-increasing rate in order to succeed and thrive in a rapidly changing world. We learn and innovate through broad knowledge networks, well-designed experiments and reality-based measures that increase our rate of transformation in an environment where innovation and challenge are expected and rewarded.

We strive to learn at an ever-increasing rate in order to succeed and thrive in a rapidly changing world.

Highlighted Principles


Short Description
Closing gaps is more than benchmarking against others, but benchmarking can be useful. Learn more through “Closing Gaps.”
Principle in Brief Page

Closing Gaps

Short Description
We seek to close the gap between what we are doing, however good, and what we could be doing if we were fully applying our principle-based framework.
Principle in Brief Page

Economic Thinking

Short Description
Economics is the study of choice in using scarce resources that have alternative uses…
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Experimental discovery

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Coming soon
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Experimentation and Experimental Discovery

Short Description
To drive creative destruction, we encourage numerous well-designed experiments to determine which new businesses, products, services, processes, methods or type of organization will be successful…
Principle in Brief Page


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Coming soon
Principle in Brief Page

Marginal Analysis

Short Description
What is the profitability of additional units of production, of one more or less plant, or of a larger versus a more modest investment? Marginal analysis looks at the benefits and costs associated with a specific change.
Principle in Brief Page


Short Description
It is essential for us to have measures that help us understand reality and properly focus our efforts…
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Short Description
An open society encourages honest exchanges of knowledge, opinions and ideas...
Principle in Brief Page

Personal Knowledge

Short Description
We only truly know something when we can apply it to get results …
Principle in Brief Page

Personal knowledge vs. conceptual knowledge

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Coming soon
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Republic of Science

Short Description
The republic of science principle describes the way the scientific community ideally organizes itself so knowledge is generated and shared freely, leading to beneficial innovations.
Principle in Brief Page


Short Description
As employees, we are expected to apply Koch’s risk philosophy, not our own…
Principle in Brief Page

Risk management

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Coming soon
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Scientific Method and Challenge

Short Description
After developing a theory, strive to disprove or find flaws in it, rather than trying to defend or justify it.
Principle in Brief Page

What has changed

What used to be called our Knowledge Processes dimension is now Knowledge alone. We want to emphasize an even stronger commitment to principles rather than processes, systems or tools. This dimension continues to highlight the need for all kinds of knowledge.