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Overcoming Entropy and Bureaucracy 

What are Entropy and Bureaucracy?

If a house or car sits unused for a long time, it will deteriorate. The scientific principle of entropy explains why this happens. In short, in a closed system with no new energy, disorder or uselessness increases with time. The same is true for non-physical things like human relationships.

In an organization, bureaucracy is a typical response to entropy (disorder). Bureaucracy focuses on control and conformity to achieve order. Common features are fixed, detailed rules and procedures, rigid hierarchies and perverse incentives.

This principle reminds us that it takes intentional effort and energy to overcome entropy and eliminate bureaucracy.

Overcoming Entropy and Bureaucracy is highlighted in the Vision and Comparative Advantage Dimensions.

Why Is This Important?

Entropy and bureaucracy are both forms of waste, stagnation and decline. Bureaucracy leads to entitlement, unaccountability, form over substance, slow and poor decision making, risk aversion, resistance to change, short-term focus and stagnation. It stifles the knowledge, ideas and motivation of employees throughout the organization.

As entropy or bureaucracy increases, it takes more and more energy to eliminate it! This principle prompts us to be diligent to overcome entropy and bureaucracy so we can transform and succeed long term. 

Principle in Brief

The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics states that entropy (disorder or uselessness) always increases in a closed system because there are far more ways in which matter can be arranged that are disordered and useless than are ordered and useful. Otherwise known as the Law of Entropy, it is considered by many scientists to be the most fundamental law of nature.

Disorder increases spontaneously with time. Our challenge is to overcome entropy by continually striving for an open and beneficial order, which can only be created through the application of energy and knowledge. 

Ever-increasing entropy afflicts human affairs just as it does the physical world. For individuals, organizations and society, there are always untold more ways for things to go wrong than for them to go right: “Whatever can go wrong will go wrong.”

At Koch, our approach to overcoming entropy is to create and deploy energy and knowledge through our principle-based framework. This requires energizing all employees to apply these principles, continually transforming themselves and their organizations. We seek to create and maintain a culture in which everyone is open to learning and recognizes that no matter how well we are doing, we can always do better.  We learn what is possible and work to achieve it. This is our way of creating an order that is beneficial to us and others.

In organizations, the most common manifestation of entropy is bureaucracy. Bureaucracy results from fixed, detailed rules and procedures, rigid hierarchies and perverse incentives.  These bring about loss of the knowledge, ideas and motivation of employees throughout the organization. The effect is entitlement, unaccountability, cynicism, form over substance, slow and poor decision making, risk aversion, resistance to change, short-term focus and lack of openness, knowledge sharing and innovation.

To avoid this tendency toward stagnation and decline, driven by entropy/bureaucracy, we strive to continually transform ourselves and our organizations. By daily renewing our dedication to understanding and applying principles of human progress, we give ourselves and others the opportunity to realize our potential and live lives of meaning.


Ways to Overcome Entropy and Bureaucracy

We can avoid the tendency toward stagnation and decline by understanding and applying principles of human progress to our work—such as being open and applying new energy and knowledge to all we do.

You are more likely to avoid or overcome entropy when you: You are less likely to avoid or overcome entropy when you: 

 Continually search for new and better ways to do things

Defend of the status quo

Are diligent about cultivating relationships with core constituencies

Take relationships for granted

Continually evaluate the value of your activities and quickly stop doing things that are no longer productive or useful

Do things out of habit or assume current activities are productive or useful

Have a “no matter how well we’re doing, we can always do better” attitude

Have a “if it isn’t broken, don’t fix it” attitude


The following examples illustrate how easy it is for entropy and bureaucracy to occur. 

Give it a try

The power of these principles happens through application. There’s no substitute for learning as you apply.