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What are Measures?

Measures are quantitative or qualitative means to monitor or assess the extent, quality, value or effect of something. Beneficial measures create knowledge that leads to better decisions, innovation and profitable action. Measures are also needed to understand how employees have contributed to team/business results, which is a key part of accountability.

Measures are highlighted in the Knowledge Dimension.


Why Is This Important?

Effective measures help employees understand reality, focus and prioritize. Every employee needs multiple measures to understand how they, their team and company are doing and to make good decisions and innovate. Given that we tend to work on what gets measured, it is essential that we measure the right things – especially if rewards and recognition are involved.

Principle in Brief

As Einstein observed: “Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts.” That is why we strive to measure things that matter – things that lead to profitable action – even when it is difficult to do so. And it is why we avoid relying on measures that do not provide insights leading to improvements and innovations.

It is essential for us to have measures that help us understand reality and properly focus our efforts. Such measures include profit/loss and return on capital consumed. Rather than relying on averages or total profitability, we need to know the profitability of business strategies, customers, products, services, plants, production units, suppliers and activities. Our measures need to provide the information required for marginal analysis. The goal is not precision, but knowledge regarding future changes and opportunities to improve.

Other important areas to measure include:

  • Culture- Progress in applying Principle Based Management™, including the effectiveness of supervisors.
  • Opportunity cost- An activity is truly profitable only when it is more profitable than the most profitable opportunity foregone.
  • Stewardship and compliance- Performance in eliminating the conditions and events that have harmed or could harm people or the environment and in complying with all applicable laws and regulations – all classified by seriousness.
  • What each customer values- Not only what the customer values as a company but also what its relevant decision makers value.
  • Price-setting mechanisms- Based on various supply and demand scenarios that cause marginal competitors to increase or decrease production or prices.
  • Our competitive position- Where we stand in the value we create for our customers and the costs of providing it vs. present and future competitors.
  • The value and cost of activities- Benchmark vs. the best in the world regardless of industry.
  • Allocation and profitability of overhead costs- Whether costs are allocated according to the businesses that drive them and are profitable to each business.

Knowing what drives profitability is important. If we are doing well, is it because of favorable market conditions or our competitive advantage? Given that we tend to work on what gets measured, it is essential that we measure the right things – especially if rewards and recognition are involved. Measuring and rewarding revenue will drive more revenue. Focusing on costs will drive cost reduction. Using either as the primary measure of success will destroy rather than create value.

It is imperative for every business, facility, unit and team to continually evaluate its measures. This requires critical thinking to determine whether each measure is driving mutually beneficial outcomes. All employees need to know which parts of their work are profitable, based on measures that help them understand what to start, stop, change or improve.

Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts.
Albert Einstein

Measurement Pitfalls

For measure to provide the information and insights needed to be successful, it is important to avoid these common pitfalls: 

Measuring only what’s easy to measure and/or measuring out of habitWe should continually evaluate all measures to determine if they lead to profitable action. If they do not, we should remove them or replace them with more effective ones.

Failing to apply economic analysis to measures

It takes time, effort and other resources to establish and maintain useful measures, so the knowledge gained from the measure must be worth the cost to obtain it.

Undervaluing qualitative measures

A mix of qualitative and quantitative measures are needed to understand reality and make good decisions. 

Failing to understand key drivers

When we understand the underlying reasons for a result (good or bad), we are more likely to take effective action. 

Creating measures mostly for leaders or to fulfill legal requirements

All employees need measures to understand reality and know what to start, stop, change or improve. We will always track and document measures necessary to comply with laws and regulations, but various other measures are needed for us to succeed. 

Understand It Better


The right measures can help us in many ways, such as understanding where we are today, providing indications of progress, and inspiring us to do better. Notice the combination of quantitative and qualitative measures in these examples. 

Give it a try

The power of these principles happens through application. There’s no substitute for learning as you apply.